
Friday, February 1, 2013

Bad, bad blogger!

I am a bad, bad blogger! It isn't really lack of time since I had a lot of help here the last 2 months. I just could never decide what to write when I would sit down to blog so I wouldn't write anything.

So, as you may expect, the last 3 months of our lives have been a crazy, ever-changing adjustment with 4 new babies. We have been dealing with normal newborn issues like lack of sleep, and normal preemie issues like reflux...these babies can barf!! Our daily routines have been centered around feeds up until the last couple of weeks, and now we are trying to schedule other things in like naps and playtime.

Anyhow, the babies are 3 months old today! I can't believe it! They are getting into the fun stage, finally! They are smiling lots and staying awake more during the day. They love to be talked to and to look around. They are growing like crazy, but are still the size of newborns. At 11 weeks they weighed: Alexis 7lb 2oz, Allison 8lb 1oz, Daniel 7lb 12oz, and William 8lb 11oz. Lexie seems to have grown the most. I can't believe how big she is compared to her 2lb 6oz self!

We had their baby blessing at church this past Sunday. It was a special event. Everyone was so excited to see them finally, but they were warned in advance to stay away from the babies. Its so hard to not share them with everyone...only 6 more weeks or so til we can emerge from our confinement.

Now, most of my pics are on the other computer, but I will add some soon!



BeckyT said...

So nice to see you update even if it is briefly. I remember how much time one baby takes up in the early days so I am very impressed that you've managed this 3 months in. :) Happy 3 months babies. xxx

Jill and Mike said...

Glad to see an update. Also glad to hear things are running as smoothly as it can with 4 babes.
Keep up the good work.