
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Exhaustion, Blood, and Alejandro

Well, today was the big follicle check, but first a note on exhaustion.

Last night I went to bed at 9:30 knowing I needed to be up at 4:30...I was so stressed about going to sleep I couldn't sleep. That was of course paired with being stressed about the results of my appointment today and what I would do if nothing was happening. Just before 11:30, when I was finally starting to relax a little, Tyler woke up crying. Ugh! He is all snotty and stuffed up all of a sudden. I got him settled down and back to sleep and then finally fell asleep around midnight...and then he woke me up again at 12:40. That was the best 40 minutes of sleep I got all night. After wrestling him in the guest room for an hour I stuck him back in bed and went back to bed. I think I fell asleep at about 2:30...and dreamed about not being able to sleep. 4:30 came really fast!

Thankfully, hubby is awesome and opted to take a half day turned into a whole day and we were able to spend time together. :)

So, I went to the Vampires first and they drew for LH and E2 again. My LH was 2.5 (very good! I'm not going to ovulate any time soon). My E2 was 487...from 90 on Friday! That is AWESOME! Based on my calculations, that means I have at least two good follicles in the running.

To confirm this, Alejandro revealed a 16mm follicle in the left ovary, and a 15mm and two 12mm follicles in the right ovary. Also, my endometrium is still looking healthy at 11mm. All good things! I was prepared to call it quits today if things weren't looking up.

I go back in on Thursday for, hopefully, my last follicle check and blood work. I am really optimistic now! If I wasn't so tired I would be elated, even! :P



amberjill said...

That's fantastic news!

Lori Ricks said...

Great news!!!

Katie said...

Thanks Ladies!

Sunny said...

Yahooo! That's great news about the follies!!

Alb Mom said...

Yay follies!

I can never sleep when I know I have to wake up early either. It stinks!

Mark and Amy said...

Congrats! I have a follie check on thursday too! I'kk check in to see how yours goes!